Soulmate, Helpmate, Twin Flame, Ride or Die ~ Gratitude

Today be mindful of the gift you have in your beloved if they are indeed a part of your life.

In a world where physical intimacy has been used as a replacement for emotional, spiritual, and intellectual intimacy, and where the self has been elevated above the other, true and lasting intimacy with another is increasingly rare and precious.

If you’ve got someone by your side who really is in it with you for the long haul and the relationship is healthy, be thankful.

Not all of us are so blessed.

Some have been searching and trying on matches in the attempt to find the right one.

Some have found their mate but lost them in one way or another.

Some have found the one their soul feels intimately and infinitely connected to but have never found or made the opportunity to be with them.

Some have never found the one who fills the hole left by the missing piece of their puzzle.

If you have your person,

the person whose presence in your life fulfills you,

the person who you are safe and secure with, the person who you feel connected to no matter how far apart you are,

the person to whom you can tell your deepest secrets without fear and who you can be completely vulnerable to,

find a way to touch their soul today to let them know how deeply and profoundly grateful you are to have them in your life.

They need to know how cherished they are.

If you do not have this person actively rocking in your world right now, think on those who have stepped up to stand alongside you to support you in a similar way and find a way to let them know you appreciate them.

They who stand in the gap for you are more precious than gold!

At the end of the day, don’t forget to share your gratitude with others, whether you choose to come back and comment here, to write your thoughts in a journal, to send your feelings to a friend or loved one, or to create change in your world to pursue fulfillment and contentment, think back on the prompt and build in yourself gratitude for the blessings that have been showered upon you!

Come back tomorrow for more gratitude mindfulness.

5 thoughts on “Soulmate, Helpmate, Twin Flame, Ride or Die ~ Gratitude

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      1. Thank you for “dragging “ us along. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love your words and feelings. They come from your heart. Journeys are meant to be shared. 🌹

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I never meant to leave! It is my soul keeper. My way of letting out my deeper feeling about my life and Gwen’s.
        I dont plan on leaving again. If I do, ask Gwen about me and where I am. 🙏🏻🌹

        Liked by 2 people

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