Introducing Chase, the Wonder Dog

I’d like to introduce… sweet baby Chase, the mobility service dog in my home.

He is a *pit bull* and if you have something to say about “those dogs” I would like you to stay tuned for a brief thought on the subject…

I can hear one of my friends now chuckling and saying something along the lines of, “Gwen, you must be able to accept all points of view in the blogosphere because you will run into all types!”

In fact, I may have already been told this incredibly true and tempered wisdom.

Okay, so, yes…

I did hear these wise words…



If you all haven’t figured this out yet, I’m at times a *tad* hardheaded and don’t necessarily hear things the first time I’m told.

Also, I have definite opinions about some things, including this.

Nazi’s believed certain physical features were indicative of inferiority or superiority, ability, and intelligence.

Don’t be like them.

Don’t judge “pit bull type dogs” because you believe some cockamamie bologna about their jaws locking and because you saw a news report once about some asshat human who did not raise their dog right.

Chase is terrified of the tiny cat in the house and when she denies him entry into whatever space he wants to go into because she’s being bossy he cries.

Also he doesn’t like thunderstorms and hides wherever I am when he senses one coming.

He is currently laying obediently beneath my leg and stump as I write this keeping them warm and elevated.

He did give me a concussion once, though, when we both went for the same spot on the couch at the same time: his head is harder than mine.

Chase was little when he started training and he knows how to do mobility things for amputees already but he was never trained for working with a wheelchair.

I spent so much time in the last seven and a half months not allowed to leave the house that the idea of training Chase in basic wheelchair etiquette let alone wheelchair mobility seemed like just about the worst thing I could imagine attempting to train him in on my own. Just because I’m in a chair doesn’t mean I know what “typical” skills are for wheelchair mobility but I knew he would have to adjust to not stepping in front of the chair, heeling to a wheel instead of a leg, working on a loose leash, and answering oral commands without any leash signals. Because I had no intention of training him today, Chase did not wear his vest when we went out for a walk, just his collar.

My greatest hope for this outing was that we would not crash and die in some epic event worthy of the 11 o’clock BBC World Report so all you readers worldwide could be shocked and saddened by the news of my sudden and unexpected death together, sharing the oneness afforded by a televised announcement somewhere between something about North Korea, something about President Trump, and some feel good report about a flamboyance of flamingos discovered far outside their natural wintering zones having fled the strangely freezing cold weather in their normal January habitat for warmer weather someplace in the Rocky Mountains.

Little did I know how eager Chase was to do real work.

At the first indication of difficulty for me in pushing myself he started to pull… and pull… and pull.

I discovered relatively quickly that I could steer my speeding chariot reasonably well at speed by shifting the weight of my stump rather like a rudder in the water. I also discovered how clever my pooch is:

Left! He pulled toward the left.

Right! He pulled to the right.

No pull. He stopped pulling and heeled.

Slow… He slowed.

Sidewalk! He found a curb with a ramp.

Wait… He paused wherever we were.

Usually I thought it was that the human wears themselves out taking the dog for a run.

Not Chase and I.

He wore himself out taking me for a run.

I guess it’s time to do some real work with my good boy.

20 thoughts on “Introducing Chase, the Wonder Dog

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  1. Ha, could do with a Chase on my walks on the cliffs here, there are some steep hills that my little 5.5kg Gwynnik just doesn’t cut it for. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I never thought of that, I feel like I’m some sort of stalker now… 😎
        Now you say though, I do think she has a certain amount of sass about her.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Ben Hur… I definitely was pulling out moves I didn’t know I had while speeding around the end of one block… rather like the Circus Maximus. Huh. Gwen the Charioteer!!

      It makes me sad that people can have one bad experience with an animal and assume that all in that breed are awful but the same people would never think that having a bad experience with someone of a particular race, ethnicity, religion, or gender warranted condemning the rest with the offender.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. If by a lot of snow you mean none, you’re completely correct. There was snow one day in October and a few flakes have fallen here and there but mostly it has been unseasonably warm and very snow free. This is the kind of winter I’d expect if I still lived in the southeast while they’ve had the weather we would expect here.

      I’m sorry a pitty almost killed your dog. There’s a pit next door that is aggressive and it’s because his owners refuse to give him the socialization, time, and attention needed to make him a good dog. It’s sad. I just hope he gets something before he hurts someone.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s true…we’ve had the odd winter weather here.

        I will repeat what I said about domesticated breeds. They are not born bad. They are made bad, and people are to blame.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh! I am so happy to see that Chase is happily working! I believe a ‘working’ dog is a happy dog! In MPLS we are on an all-out assault on dog fighters. It is a fucking crime what these assholes are doing to our Pits. I want them dead. The dudes, not the dogs! MF’ers. Whew. I’m a tad bit upset over this fighting ring as you can tell. Go baby Chase! Love it! ~Kim

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It makes me sick to know how people treat other human beings and how they treat animals. You can tell a lot about people knowing how they treat the weak or defenseless. It’s just one of the reasons I HATE my neighbors on one side. They are lazy and worthless human beings, the trashy kind. They got two puppies when they moved in 18 months ago: a pit mix and a boxer mix. Both breeds that are fiercely loyal and full of energy so they need lots of early socialization and lots of attention all the time. (Chase is 5 and he is still as full of energy as when he was a pup.) The dogs are never taken on walks but are left in the yard for hours with no attention and no one watching. They’re tearing down the fence one slat at a time and they don’t care. They’ve gotten into our yard and attacked animals and people. They don’t know that every other human and every other dog isn’t an a danger so they attack. It’s sad for them and for all the other pits and boxers they give a bad name to, but it is the humans fault.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, it is and who pays??? The animal that depends on the worthless humans they end up with. Sick, sad, and laws need to be enacted to stop this!!! There are times I claim my own badge of justice and hand out some kick-ass ‘Come to Jesus’ justice! (I have but that is not a story for public consumption because I will deny my actions and plead the 5th.) Just removing and destroying the animals is sickening when these scum are allowed to do this again and again. Not on my watch. I am so glad Chase got a good mama!


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